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Thursday, September 6


 ellery was surprised with a two-wheeler over labor day weekend!
it's extremely out of my comfort zone to gift on non holidays but a darling girl at church, also named cosette!, had gotten a new bike & when her grandparents asked what she should do with her old bike (they knew we'd started our lookout for miss e) she thought giving it away was a great idea. she helped her grandpa clean it all up & bleach the white tires. & when sweet cosette realized that the streamers were missing, she ran & took them off of her scooter & attached them to the bike. how priceless is that?!
 jellybean biked around all weekend calling to passer-byers that she was a lucky girl & had a new bike. :)
ellery is beyond herself with excitement. 
& i was excited that she did so well her first day.
they have not stopped asking to go outside to bike.
 i even have to fight them to take off their 'bike hats' when we come inside. ellery fell fast asleep in hers tonight. i woke her up to write this: 
how cute is this little thank you note to her "friend cosette, didyouknowthereare2cocos"?! she usually does better lettering but look at that bike! she kept asking me how to do pedals, handlebars, her bell, etc. & i had zero answers for her. haha

she really is very very grateful for her brand new to her bicycle. :)

Sunday, September 2

my girlies

but even though we miss him loads, i do enjoy having my girlie beans to myself ;)
 hahaha i'm obsessed.

Saturday, September 1

work trips

austin's been on a lot of work trips lately & it's no bueno to have him away. the girls miss him tons when he's away & get into lots & lots & lots of trouble. lots.