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Saturday, December 12


i've been stressed about packing for our winter vaca. we're gone for quite literally a month & taking along car seats, snowboards, laptops, presents, etc.

but we're going to DISNEY!!!!

... drive.

in idaho.

so to limit my anxiety i remembered this little gem!

after i purchase this (can we say christmas list?!) my life will simplify in ways i can only dream of!!! heck, let's buy in bulk & open a daycare!

ps. i would pay substantial bucks to see this shoved under someone's desk at work...


The Hodgmans David, Kara, Lexy, Lena and Luke said...

that is the worst thing I have ever seen! Love the new pic of E with her little piggies :)

Travis and Teresa Wilson said...

Sick who would even think of that. Thanks for the laugh tho

Jamie Blake said...

So excited for you guys to come up to disney drive for the break! See you there, I am sure!

Michelle said...

that is so funny. Do you think this is for real...I mean would someone really purchase something like this. Please tell me you are not really considering it. Convenient....yes. Humane.....not so sure.

the hills said...

clarification: i really am 100% joking.