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Wednesday, March 24

one & a half

i think 1 1/2 is always a good thing. 1 1/2 breakfasts, 1 1/2 your hourly, or 1 1/2 kids for that matter. :)

but i'm talking about 1 1/2 speed.

we have our desktop computer hooked up & using the tv as a monitor. it makes it totally seamless to access hulu, netflix insta play, & our library of saved movies with our remote & then we can watch by big screen. we also record shows using media center (basically free tivo).

okay that's all fine & good but we have a magical, wonderful button on said computer that is hard to come by.

1 1/2 speed! it speeds up the audio & video in perfect sinc (& without chipmunk voices) & helps us blast through sitcoms, documentaries, & even austin's videoed grad classes. who can watch, absorb, & ace a graduate level course without ever leaving the family room with a toddler playing, a wife reading her books & interrupting, AND do it in 1 1/2 speed? that'd be my aust. i think it's a little ridiculous for that but it is my perfection for all other television viewing experiences. & i cannot go back to regular speed.

bytheby the olympic games were insane sped up.

& if you're judging me for devising a plan on how to get more tv into my life then judge away. i'm convinced it decreases actual time spent on the couch... but probably not.

this got me thinking on monday about 1 1/2. monday is cleaning day. our house goes to crap because i just don't pick up over the weekend & austin's a disaster zone, not to mention ellery's into everything. but i was having delusions of grandeur imagining that i could speed myself up & go out & play! you know, like in bewitched when samantha's mother-in-law unexpectedly stops by & she whips herself into high gear so that by the time she's ringing the doorbell the house in spotless.

then i decided i just needed a remote to hit 1 1/2 speed for my cleaning, laundry, & work out sessions.

i know what you're thinking: did i learn nothing from that movie click?

maybe i missed the moral because i was watching it in 1 1/2 speed.


Jana said...

Ha ha I just love you, you make me smile. That's all.

VK said...

I would love 1 1/2 speed for so many things. I think Samantha had it right though by taking it to the next level and cleaning at the speed of about 500 and 1/2.

lisa said...

First off, your hilarious. Second, about those Disaster Mondays--you and me both girl. My house is destroyed come Sunday night. Third, you'll find that speeding up trick helpful when Ellery's 3 and doesn't want to go to bed until the movie is over. Miraculously the last 1/2 hour can whiz by in mere minutes (okay so maybe I speed it up more like 2 or 3x as fast).