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Thursday, April 29

pat on the back

whether it's for sympathy or congratulations, a pat on the back is a nice, supportive thing.

even if you have to give yourself a pat on the back sometimes. :)

it's appropriate in a lot of different setting as a platonic phsycial exchange. between colleagues, teammates, friends, teacher & student, etc.

it's really pretty versatile. you can use it through sarcasm, 'way to go, champ.'

or slow it down & it's a come-on. 'how you doin'?'

it's also pertinent in a more emotional context with a warm look/embrace. when you lost the big game, at a long awaited graduation, at a funeral, you catch my drift...

at our house it is solely used for solace to the broken hearted. by our one-year-old.

every single time she is upset enough to be picked up & comforted, through sobs & sniffles, you feel her little hand on each side of your back.

pat, pat, pat.

it's all gonna be okay. i'm here for you. we'll get through this... together.

haha. it's like we need sympathy all around. she doesn't want you to feel like she does right now.

she's a sweetheart.

1 comment:

VK said...

This really shows her cute little personality.
Love the "love pats."