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Tuesday, June 7

visitors #3 & #4

the chief grew up a couple houses down from bryce. bryce is his little brother derek's bff & is one of the family. he started working at lockheed a bit after austin & then moved to california soon after us & just barely followed us moved on to virginia. :)

it's been fun having bryce & his sweet wife jamie stay with us while they wait for their townhouse. 

we are super excited to have them here to play with us!

our other visitor is someone i grew up with & one of my favorite people of all time. he came to sunday dinner at our house a couple weeks ago since he lives in maryland now yay! i will always love that boy!

since i didn't take a recent pic, here's jonathan & me at his prom. haha/


Derek and Kelli Hill said...

i think ellery is looking a lot like her namesake grandma nay nay!! she's so cute. i love that picture of all of them together.

steph said...

haha LOVE the throwback pic :)

Sarah Ewell said...

K. So I SWEAR I know Bryce and Jamie. I'm having a hard time placing them. Maybe she was in one of my wards at BYU-I...? It'll come. Funny how small the world is!

Glad to see you guys are adventuring out there in D.C. Looks like you're always having a blast!