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Saturday, August 20

now i can say back east

back on the east coast from our 2 weeks away. eventful, fun trip. took the red eye. kids were great. parents are beyond exhausted. my schedule's all off though so can't sleep. guaranteed someone will wake me soon. unpack, clean, grocery shop, mow lawn, plan lesson, & try to sleep. visitor comes in 2 days.

oh & there's mold creeping up the walls in our basement guest room. putting a pump in on saturday. really wanna visit now, eh? :)


Jamie Blake said...

your visitors can always come stay at our place if your guest room is under construction. glad you're back in VA and had a fun trip! :)

steph said...

Love that the basement waited til I left! Anything badly damaged or anything? Glad I could see u "back in the mountain west" for a little :)

VK said...

Take a deep breath, busy girl.