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Thursday, August 23

i've choked my last choke

long story short: been choking on my food for years & it has gotten progressively worse. finally had it checked out. they did a dilation of my throat that did not go routinely. it sucked. & hurt. but now i swallow!! without fear of dying!! how cute are my little nurses? my MIL was a huge help & stayed a day past my FIL just to help us out. sorry if that xray grosses anyone out. cuz it grosses me out.

now the girls play 'broken throat' & one makes some mechanical sounds with her hands over the other's neck & then they say "my throat's all fixed! yay!" & run off. it's odd.

feeling great now! yay!


Renee Hill said...

Eating is a very good thing.

VK said...

You are odd!