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Friday, December 10

the tomato/onion theory

it's pretty simple. i happily eat the tomatoes he hates & he gladly gobbles onions, the world's nastiest creation, for me.
it's the theory that where he lacks, i excel; & in the many arenas i struggle, he steps up. to you it might be the olive/peppers theory but it works the same. made for each other to take off our plates what we just can't do alone.

we had our anniversary recently {YAY} & while we're not big on such celebrations i did get him a fitting card: "life's a rollercoaster ... & you're my dramamine."

bottom line: i'm pretty sure i like him for more than unloading my onions on.


Tansy said...

LOVE this post. Well said!

Brittany said...

haha seriously we are the exact opposite with onions and tomatoes. Sam hates the onions and passes them to me, and I hate tomatoes and pass them onto his plate. Gotta love the give and take in marriage!