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Thursday, March 10

a post

just because i haven't been blogging, you still cannot do this:

you see, i was busy doing a lot of this:

& this:

while living here:

& chasing this: 

(yes cocobean is army crawling everywhere!! wha?!)

& working on this:
(e is potty trained!! not mastered but pretty stinkin trained!)

while preparing for this:

& doing a ton of this:

so that we have one of these:

so even though i have a new one of these:

i haven't had a lot of time for this:

so please have this:

*all pics via google images. wouldn't want mr. bale coming after me...


anitamombanita said...

love it!

Kelli and Derek Hill said...

hey, a post is a post, and this is a muy muy creative one! Love it! Hope you guys are thriving through the crazy transition time. I can't wrap my head around coco's crawling- what a big girl! it's weird to me that she's just like 3 or 4 months younger than Jack cuz I haven't even seen her yet. Arg. And Ellery is practically a lady now.

Tansy said...

Very clever post! I hope everything is coming together for you!

melissa marie said...

lots of changes for you guys! so exciting! good luck with everything.