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Monday, May 2


ellery was helping in the yard today (yes, we kind of have a yard) & screeching over & over about 'capapillar!! more capapillar!!' when she got really really excited they turned into 'capapapapillars!' we literally were overrun by dozens of caterpillars. there literally was a herd.

at once point there were nine on the front door. did you hear that?? NINE. 

while weeding in one spot a little long i found one on my ankle & one on my foot. somehow one got in my mom's hair. one is starting a cocoon in the corner of my door frame. we saved cossette from a gaggle trying to crawl up her legs in the bumbo on the grass. for days we've been seeing them & playing with them & torturing ellery with the threat of touching them.

well by the end of today she braved picking not one but two up in each little hand with a huge grin on her face. suuuuuper proud of herself.

& then their guts fell out the bottom of her fists.

little did i know i had a darla on my hands :(

& luckily, just like darla, she was clueless to her homicidal tendencies.


Kelli and Derek Hill said...

hahahahahaha!!!! oh my word I can just picture it. Except that Ellery is like 1,000,000 times more attractive a child than darla.

steph said...
