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Tuesday, March 27

air force academy

we literally live 3 minutes from the north gate of the academy. & can see the stadium & the campus from our porch.

so on a sunny saturday we decided to check it out.
besides a gigantic jet on the roadside & watching a few hunky cadets on their afternoon runs, the cadet chapel was the main reason we went & it did not disappoint. totally funky & peculiar.
pretty incredible.

below the main protestant chapel is this sign:

we may or may not have made some non PC jokes about which groups the protestants consider "below" them. but then they must be better off than those not even mentioned. *cough cough*

these 3 distinct places of worship were just gorgeous.

very unique & hallowed.
& now i know what i'm looking at when i see the spiky building in the distance. :)


Jamie Blake said...

we loved checking that place out too!

Kelli and Derek Hill said...

I missed this post somehow! How beautiful. I love buildings of worship. the cathedrals were maybe my favorite part of study abroad. the architecture of this one looks super cool, how fun to be so close. keep posting more of your adventures please!! :)

steph said...

so cool~ always one of my favorite road trips for this reason!