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Friday, May 8

$cha-ching$ revisited

we have tandum covered parking which means a's car is almost always parked behind mine. which means when he got broken into there was glass all over our parking slot. which means when my front tire fell flat, only a week after checking air levels, we were concerned. which means the glass i'd apparently run over ruined my tire. which means the punk that destroyed aust's car inadverently did some work on ike. which means in fixing tire #1, they found a nail in tire #2. which means we have done our part in stimulating the economy this week.


Kelli and Derek Hill said...

what kind of FREAK would do this to you guys? so i visited that shabby apple site and that was a good find! they have way cute stuff. Oh and i wanted to say happy first mother's day too! hope you had a nice relaxing day with darling little ellery!

VK said...

Which means that you should turn in the FSA forms so you can make all your money back.