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Wednesday, August 19

sunset cove

all the hodgman girls (a couple hills too) loaded up & headed over to santa cruz. the beach was the perfect sayonara for aunt stephanie. goodbye bopi! see ya @ thanksgiving!

it was pretty cool for the first couple hours of beaching it but ended up baking like a toasted cheeser.

kara & her girlies. i love this shot, especially the sailboat in the distance.

there was a lot of wave jumping, snacks, playing in the sand, naps, bathroom searches here & there, up-chucking from the ride, & hammock rocking with the chillins. gotta love it!


VK said...

What a lot of cute grils. Love 'em all.
Now that movie the other night says your moms comments don't count, but I beg to differ. If my mom ever made a comment I'd be thrilled.

The Hodgmans David, Kara, Lexy, Lena and Luke said...

cute pics... fun day!