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Thursday, August 20

wuss bag

i'm one of the biggest wimps you have ever met.


being alone for a week, everything is locked at all times, i get tempted to wake up the baby, all the lights are on, i keep the car alarm remote on me @ all times, & i do anything possible to keep from getting hysterical. i also don't sleep. literally 2 or 3 hours a night is all i can get.

with the husbando here i still avoid scary shows/movies/stories let alone being... well... alone. i watch things like jeopardy, ace of cakes, & whatever classic series i'm enthralled with this month.

tonight i'm watching the dick van dyke show & it's about 3 in the morning. i haven't slept yet. so i'm safe, right? until this particular episode i find myself watching laura petrie piling aluminum cans by the door, blaring music & switching lights on in the middle of the night, scared & weepy because she's home alone. hearing noises & checking every corner.

now i'm writing a post.

because that keeps me protected.



Jana said...

I miss you. Period. I just found out I get to watch 3, count them, 3, scary movies in my film class....

the hills said...

haha! i miss you too my wuss bag comrad!