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Sunday, November 22


my extended family is made up of boys. throngs of guy cousins with a couple girlies sprinkled in for good measure. 20 boys to 4 girls or something ridiculous. that is including me & my sister. so really my only female friend/cousin is pearlie meg. she makes me smile & we are pals. she recently spoke on her "baby blogger envy". a self-diagnosed disease involving envy for blog-worthy material, specifically the fountain of material a baby offers.

okay see but look: i have a condition that is similarly frustrating! "avoid-the-child-post-itis." literally the complete opposite of megan's situation, it involves helping ppl realize that there indeed is more to my life than my sweet cherub. speaking of which, what a stretch is this for a new post?

(but you're right, i do have more pictures than you megs. kisses*)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

!!! I am amazed and honored that you would respond to my "rant" in a blog post of your own. Good luck with your own dilemma. ;)