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Wednesday, November 4

better than his

the husby is an engineer. a computer engineer. electronic gadgets are his life line. looking up reviews & articles & pricing out the latest mechanic doohickey is, dare i say, the crux of his happiness.

in the last week we have purchased a seriously gargantuan flashdrive, a spankin new iPhone, & a hi res, dual screened, make you cry with jealousy digital camera. & what up, they are all mine!

the camera he surprised me with last night because he thinks i'm swell. even though i'm the one that shattered the screen on our camera that was technically his camera. but my flashdrive is better than his. about 8 x's better if you wanted to brag...

& here's the kicker: my iPhone is better than his iPhone.



Derek and Kelli Hill said...

oooh fun! I want to see your camera! and I am definitely jealous! and those pictures of ellery and the big collage a few posts ago are scrumptious. i am behind on my commenting, haha!

mikefischer said...

Man that is mean bragging about how much better your stuff is than his. You do have a good man surprising you with a camera. Now we expect more pictures. And i heard he didnt dress up for halloween?!?!

VK said...

....and I thought I raised such a nice little girl.