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Saturday, November 12

& baby makes 3

over the weekend sam & becki went to new york city, so we had 3 under 3.
which went fine. really from thursday on, things weren't going as well as usual. yikes.

bristol was wonderful! cossette was wonderful! ellery? yeah, not so much. elles-a-belle has a nasty cough & runny nose & was a big snot the majority of the weekend. whiney, tired, cuddly, more accidents than she's had in a year... is that a sick thing?! she was really playful & sweet with the little girls just not so much with the parentals. much more high maintenance than usual. & high maintenance kids are exhausting yo.

but we were excited to keep bristol here to hang out with us!
 -after church-
 -in the car- i about broke my hand getting that 3rd car seat in the 2nd row of ike. intense.
-on the metro- bahaha we all liked this pic cause it looks like austin smacked elles in the head but really she hit her head & he was going to help her. she was probably throwing a fit of sorts.
-in the tub-

there's always a lot of dancing at our house but this weekend it was nonstop. all 3 kids loved jamming with the chief & all had very distinctive little dance moves. haha
all week ellery kept trying to hold bristol's hand, which bristol was not into. haha ellery is a little bit of a mother hen sometimes.
bristol & cossette were fast friends. they swapped jabbery stories & coke tried to keep up. i was hoping she would teach cossette to kiss with her mouth closed & maybe increase her vocabulary 100 fold. well we still have our little wordless wonder but she now kisses in the non-french variety. :)
bristol is an easygoing, smiley, funny little thing, a TOTAL chatter box, & swivels those hips like a pro.
& happens to eat carrots like a beaver.

love you bris!


Kelli and Derek Hill said...

WOAH Betsy. that title made my heart skip a beat for a second- i kid you not! I got very excited and then slightly disappointed I must admit. But what a cute little second? cousin those girls have. I love her name, too! looks like fun.

anitamombanita said...

cutie patooties x 3! And I know how Ells must feel cuz I've had a nasty cold all week, but no accidents, I'm happy to report!

VK said...

Anita is definitely more witty than I.

I hope Aunt Tracy and Uncle Tom see this. I don't know if they read blogs.

Good job calm and cool daughter of mine.

steph said...

oh I love these pictures of all the girls! Ellery in the middle of the two holding their hands remninds me of the one of lexy holding onto lena and elles~ funny how they take that role as the oldest of whoever they're around~
i told you bristol was wonderful ;)