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Thursday, November 10

visitors #9

i am so not the formal hostess type but i do loooove having people visit us!

my cousin sam, his wifey beck, & their sweet little bristol came in last week for a work conference of hers & we got to have them at our house & play!

the first day was just sam & me & all our little girlies. we hit the natural history museum for seriously hours. while the kiddles slept, we were complimented on our gorgeous triplets. e's blanket was over her so i could actually see the confusion. hahaha-

i'm kind of proud of myself because i've really compartmentalized these sightseeing locales so there is still new territory/new exhibits i haven't covered & i'm not insane bored every repeat visit to dc. instead i'm excited to show my faves & see something new. i feel like i know washington dc really well. becki met up with us for lunch & the american history museum before calling it a day.

we stayed busy checking out old towne alexandria for dinner & hanging at our house, but our next day in the city, we started at the botanical gardens with our buddy bryce while sam & beck attempted to catch their white house tour. which was disastrously missed. :(

i decided i'll do a separate post on this place. the gardens were amazingly cool.

we all went to the air & space museum just next door. it was austin's first time at the downtown one & there is just overwhelmingly a ton to see.

once they got over any shyness, cossette & bristol were just the best of buds. they're only 3 months apart & it was quite darling.

thanks guys! always fun to see family.


Kelli and Derek Hill said...

LOVE the one of coco in her pink sweater stickin' out her gut. hahahahahah! If only that was cute on adults, too. She learned that trick from her daddy i'll bet.

VK said...

What's darling is Coco's tummy shot in that 2nd to last pix.

steph said...

good looking people!!