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Wednesday, May 12

elder logi bear

austin has some amazing brothers. so do i actually but this is about logan bob.
this is after he shaved off just the top of his head. he looked like such an old man for an afternoon. he'd tip his hat to people & get quite the reaction. 'top of the mornin' to ya!'

once upon a time (2 years ago) he left for a mission for the LDS church to birmingham, england. we have missed him terribly. we missed talking to him about school & girls & feeding him sunday dinner & going to football games & popping his skin & watching joe dirt a billion times.
we read his letters every week & prayed for him endlessly. he left the weekend we found out we were expecting. elles-a-belle is 16 months old today. & i'm 6 1/2 along with numero dos. 2 years is a long time!
he's a right proper chap & it was SO fun have him home & for them to meet
& become quick friends.
& all the hill boys were together again.
the end.


Jana said...

Jord would be insanely jealous of all those buzzed heads...I'll make sure not to show him! What cute boys.

Michelle said...

He looks so much like Austin. We miss you guys!!