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Saturday, May 22

u.s. packaging

they package it at a factory somewhere.

they throw it on a truck & stock it on a shelf. i pick it up & take it home. yes, i pay first.

then i have to rip/tear/cut/use my teeth/crack a fingernail to open it. i marvel at how impossible it all is, kitchen shears in sore hand. then my hippy comes out: it's so incredibly wasteful!

humor me for a second; wouldn't it actually be cheaper to let a few pick pocketers have an easier time smuggling it out of the store rather than pay seemingly $billions$ to make opening a dvd a 20 minute process? cut your losses! pick your battles people! what am i missing here?!

then just when i think i'm home free, i see it: a warning label, a sticker, tape, you name it. the paste gets stuck every which direction, the top layer mainly tears off, losing all corner leverage that might have sped up the process, & i am left painstackingly scrapping at adhesive gum with my nails.

then it all clicks. of course! it's a goo gone conspiracy!!

i swear i don't know how a household goes without it unless they are content to have tacky surfaces & wadded paper remains on every item in the home.

so next time you open something & the sticker pulls clean off & you take a victory lap (i know you do!) take note: that company is 'sticking' it to the man.


The Hodgmans David, Kara, Lexy, Lena and Luke said...

seriously so annoying!!! I too love goo gone :)

VK said...

The plastics industry is pretty wealthy I hear.

Unknown said...

Amen, sister. Amen. (wait, i should probably say "cousin" and not "sister". oh, well, too late. not deleting.)

Derek and Kelli Hill said...

loved your tribute to grandpa rosenbaum! and the picture of ellery on the sidebar. I miss her terribly!