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Wednesday, April 25


most of the time when i go out with the beans i feel like i can physically usher them around & damper any upcoming tantrum. they usually do really well on errands.

but do you know what i hate?

i hate when my kids aren't necessarily misbehaving but they are just being a handful. you can't really discipline but it is just soo exhausting.

i was out running an errand with the girls & ellery had to go to the bathroom.
for the third time in 22 minutes.
girlfriend drinks water like nobody's business & i'm rarely willing to call her bluff when she says she has to go.

while carting squirmy toddlers around, it means rushing to the back of the store (when i always happen to be on the opposite side) & leaving your full cart outside the bathroom & hoping some employee doesn't take it & start re-shelving your items (which has happened to me 3-4 times), grabbing your purse, yanking the younger sib out of the cart seat, & sprinting in. now jellybean has been potty trained for almost 1.5 years but when she's wearing certain jeans, i have to help her get situated. balancing cossette on my hip (because she'd thrown her shoes into the cart earlier & i don't care to put her down barefoot in a public bathroom), i try & throw ellers on the seat & the kid doesn't bend! what is that?! she stayed upright & straight as a board & PLOP! her feet dunk right into the toilet water.

i splashed her out of there as fast as possible & then just stared at her in disbelief.

i proceeded to laugh for so long the girls didn't really know what to do. they kept glancing back & forth between each other like, 'dude, mom is nuts.' which only made me laugh harder. it was pretty frigid outside so i stalled, walking around the store until her little shoes & socks were dry enough that i thought they could handle a quick run to the car.

sometimes, man. sometimes.


Jamie Blake said...

hahahahaha, that gave me a good laugh.
Oh Ellery, how me miss you!!
Love you guys.

Aimee said...

That. Was. Hilarious! Love it! I'm sure we all will/have had times like that.

John Hodgman said...

looks between your off-spring will be longer, with "not again" expressions, and the eye-rolling thing, as you all age. :)

Renee Hill said...

Brian would say "I hate wet socks!"